
by ling app



Refreshing the screen, a variety of dazzling images of cards, poker suit ninety-nine game.

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【撲克●九九】是一款有趣的撲克牌【累計數值】遊戲,英文稱之為 Poker 99,遊戲規則的一般玩法,如下:1) 每位玩家分 4 或 5 張牌,而手中的撲克牌有兩種:數值牌、功能牌。(說明在後面) 2) 將手中的牌丟出一張,若是數值牌,則累加分數,若是功能牌,則按該牌功能運作。 3) 丟完一張牌後,再從桌面取一張牌,來補充手牌。 4) 一旦輪到某位玩家,卻將累計分數超過 99,則該玩家出局,而最後留下來的人,就是贏家。 而且,透過排行榜,可以查看您在全球世界的分數排名喔。 ★★★ 數值牌 ★★★非黑桃A:+12 號牌:+23 號牌:+36 號牌:+68 號牌:+89 號牌:+9 ★★★ 功能牌 ★★★黑桃A:歸零4 號牌:迴轉,反轉玩家的丟牌順序5 號牌:指定某玩家為下一位(但丟牌順序仍不變)7 號牌:指定某玩家來交換手牌10 號牌:+10 或 -10J 號牌:Pass 跳過,換下一位玩家Q 號牌:+20 或 -20K 號牌:直接加到 99 每個地區的玩法可能有些微的不同,App 提供【遊戲規則】設定,可以讓你自己來進行調整。 遊戲特色 :- 由你自己新建紙牌圖案。- 提供 21 種紙牌圖案、18 種紙牌花色、17 種數字樣式、2 種點擊動畫。- 紙牌圖案、花色、數字樣式、動畫、背景 多種組合隨意搭配。- 可以用分數解鎖紙牌圖案、花色、動畫。- 點擊玩家,可以自訂玩家的圖案與名稱。● ninety-nine [Poker] is a fun poker game] [cumulative value, called the English Poker 99,General rules of game play, as follows:1) Each player in four or five cards, and the hands of two cards: Value licensing, licensing function. (Described later) 2) a throw his cards, if the value card, the cumulative score, if the function card, press the card function operation. 3) After losing a card, then take a card from the desktop, to supplement hand. 4) Once a players turn, puts the cumulative score over 99, that player out, and the last people left behind, is the winner. Moreover, through the list, you can see your score in the global ranking Oh world. ★★★ ★★★ brand valueNon-Spades A: +12 license plate: +23 plate: +36 plate: +68 license plate: +89 plate: +9 ★★★ ★★★ function cardsSpades A: Zero4 plate: rotation, reverse the order of the players lost card5 license plate: a player designated as the next (but lost card order remains unchanged)7 number plate: a player designated to exchange hand10 license plate: +10 or -10J license plate: Pass skipped a player replacedQ plate: +20 or -20K plate: 99 added directly to the Each region may play slightly different, App provides [game] setting, you can let yourself be adjusted. The game features:- Create your own card design.- available in 21 pattern cards, 18 kinds of color cards, 17 kinds of digital style, two kinds of clicks animation.- Solitaire pattern, color, digital style, animation, background mix and match a variety of combinations.- You can use the score card unlock pattern, color, animation.- Click on the player, the player can customize the name of the pattern.●【自訂紙牌圖案】增加【正反面】設計。● 在首頁【設定選項】裡的【手牌位置】項目,可調整手牌位置,避免廣告遮住手牌。● 修正一些錯誤與問題。